Why Arent You Finding Disabled Singles Online

Dating when you have a disability, regardless of what that disability may be, can seem like the last thing on your to-do list. Let’s face it; your love life hasn’t been ‘all that’ up until this point… You’ve basically given up hope, right? You’ve tried everything… You can’t find love.

Have you even tried internet dating?

Internet dating has made the dating world easier for everyone but for disabled people, it has given them something of a lifeline. For those that have a disability that leave them housebound, online dating can be the only thing you’ll need to meet someone new and exciting. The times are changing and it would appear you should be too! Who knows who you might meet as you ‘creep’ through the bucket-loads of hunky and handsome men, or blonde and busty women.

Disabled dating websites specifically created to help people like you and me find love are a great way to start if you don’t feel ready to join the big pond of “regular” dating sites. You’ll all have something in common on these websites too, so you’ll always have something to talk about. You never know, it might even help you to find new and improved ways of dealing with your disability. Everyone on the site is in the same boat.

Of course, you can’t join online dating websites of any kind, disabled sites for dating or otherwise, without first reading up on internet safety. There are scam artists out there, for example, that are coming up with new and improved ways to screw you out of your hard earned money. The key to being safe and avoiding these scammers is to be wise – be smart.

If they are asking too many questions, especially relating to money, report them or just block them. Why would they be more interested in that anyway? You should always remember never to get too much of your personal information out to potential scam artists too. Even something as small and insignificant as your full name, address and birthday is enough for someone to get into your personal stuff.

That’s the kind of data protection questions you would be asked in a mobile phone shop, for example, when trying to get into your account details. The moral of the story – don’t give your personal data away. If the questions you’re being asked are too sensitive, report them. If you’re not comfortable with the way the conversation is heading, stop it in its tracks.

You shouldn’t think that everyone is out there to con you though. It is easy to get carried away with all of the bad information you come across, especially on the internet. Most of the people that you meet, especially on the dating for disabled websites, are in exactly the same boat as you – just as nervous and twice as awkward. Why not make the first jump and break the ice? You never know quite who you might meet, and that one person you were just about to disregard might just be the one person you end up with.

There are loads of disabled singles web sites. One of the best is Disabled Dating Club. It has been going for years, since 2003 from what I recall and it was one of the first specialist disability dating web sites.